65 posts


The Dragon Sword Tutorial - Long Hua Jian
The Dragon Sword Tutorial - Long Hua Jian

The Dragon Sword routine stands out due to its simple yet efficient movements, which complement the dedicated efforts of a Gong fu practitioner.

by Sage.blue
The Art of Dragon Gongfu
The Art of Dragon Gongfu

This article explores the Daoist perspective on the experience and views related to the Dragon Style.

by Sage.blue
Coconut Bounty Paradise Chocolate Cake
Coconut Bounty Paradise Chocolate Cake

Are you yearning to savour the delightful taste of coconut uniquely? Working with coconut flavours can be challenging, but we have an ideal recipe.

by Sage.blue
Wudang Sword Handling Basics
Wudang Sword Handling Basics

Hold the sword with respect and intention. Feel its weight and balance, and let it shape your movements. Through practice, one will develop strength, agility, and precision.

by Sage.blue
What is Kalaripayattu ?
What is Kalaripayattu ?

Imagine a world where the lines between history and legend blur, where the sands of time have witnessed the rise of mighty warriors and the fall of kingdoms. A tradition that embodies the spirit of valour, discipline, and ancient wisdom. This is Kalaripayattu, the mother of all martial arts.

by Sage.blue
The Way of the Wudang Sword
The Way of the Wudang Sword

The Wudang sword, a symbol of grace and power, demands a unique mindset for its practice—one that blends focus, fluidity, and inner peace.

by Sage.blue
The Meaning of Disease in CCM
The Meaning of Disease in CCM

This article aims to provide an introduction to the concept of disease in Chinese Medicine and a guide to the six major divisions in our body. It offers a starting point for understanding disease in Chinese Medicine.

by Sage.blue

Learn about the Jueyin channel, which represents union or closing and confines the yin qi, allowing the yang qi to rise and emit properly.

by Sage.blue

The Shaoyin channel links the heart and kidney, two vital organs that are fundamental to your well-being. Discover the relationship between Fire and Water, the two opposing yet complementary elements that coexist within you.

by Sage.blue

The dynamics of earth and metal make up the Taiyang channel. This article covers especially the dynamics of the Spleen Earth.

by Sage.blue

Explore how the dynamics of wood and fire challenge the harmony of the Shaoyang channel and learn about the concept of our body's openings.

by Sage.blue
Lavender - Lavandula
Lavender - Lavandula

Lavender is a herb that has a nice smell and is used in cosmetics and aromatherapy. It is also rich in antioxidants and can be easily grown.

by Sage.blue

Explore how the dynamics of dryness and dampness challenge the harmony of the Yangming channel, and the approaches to restore its fundamental coolness and descending functions.

by Sage.blue
Dao De Jing – 77
Dao De Jing – 77

Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven?

by Sage.blue

Learn about Taiyang, the division of the body representing utmost Yang energy. Our article provides insight on Taiyang's impact on the human body and how water and cold affect the sun-associated channel.

by Sage.blue
Taiji — The Principle of Harmonising the Two Extremes
Taiji — The Principle of Harmonising the Two Extremes

When practising Taijiquan, one should follow the movements of nature. Being in nature will help you understand how to breathe, focus, move and feel.

by Sage.blue
Monthly Premium Incense Subscription
Monthly Premium Incense Subscription

We went to Nepal and met a community committed to the ritual of scent and the art of handcrafting premium incense! So, we thought to ourselves, why not share the long tradition of incense with you?

by Sage.blue
Dao De Jing – 78
Dao De Jing – 78

Nothing in the world is more weak and soft than water, yet nothing surpasses it in conquering the hard and strong – there is nothing that can compare.

by Sage.blue
Concept of Soul in CCM
Concept of Soul in CCM

The Five Shen in Chinese Medicine is the foundation of our Soul through the Lens of Daoist Thought.

by Sage.blue
Zhi  —  The Willpower
Zhi —  The Willpower

About the fifth Shen in Chinese Medicine. Kidneys as the base for willpower and memory.

by Sage.blue
Ziran — Nature Unfolds
Ziran — Nature Unfolds

Ziran represents the natural, spontaneous, and authentic state of being, while Tianran embodies nature's unspoiled and unadulterated manifestation.

by Sage.blue
Yi — The Intellect
Yi — The Intellect

The Intellect — Yì — is located in the Spleen and is responsible for applied thinking, studying, memorising, focusing, changing state, and generating ideas

by Sage.blue
Po — The Corporeal Soul
Po — The Corporeal Soul

The Corporeal Soul — Po — known as the physical and rational aspect of human nature, is responsible for our bodily functions and is housed by the Lungs.

by Sage.blue
The Seven Dhatus
The Seven Dhatus

The seven dhatus are explained in detail with insights into how to balance them. Understand how all of the dhatus significantly add to your health and why it is important to nurture them.

by Sage.blue
The Concept of Wuwei
The Concept of Wuwei

Individuals can learn to let go of their ego-driven desires and expectations and instead embrace the simplicity and beauty of the present moment. Through Wuwei, one can cultivate a sense of effortless action, ease, and grace and experience a deeper connection with the world around them.

by Sage.blue
How to Start Your Journey
How to Start Your Journey

The initial belief of self-cultivation is to improve oneself and raise one's skill level in internal martial arts. The process of self-cultivation is not about improving what you're already good at but addressing your weaknesses head-on.

by Sage.blue
Hun — The Ethereal Soul
Hun — The Ethereal Soul

The Ethereal Soul — Hun — known as the dark, intuitive, and non-rational side of human nature, is responsible for our dreams and visions and is housed by the Liver.

by Sage.blue
Daoist Gong Fu Basic Fist Tutorial
Daoist Gong Fu Basic Fist Tutorial

The Gong Fu Basic Fist, also known as Jīběnquán (基本拳), is the fundamental form of internal Daoist martial arts. This set of techniques includes all the essential positions and transitions to promote internal movement and relaxation.

by Sage.blue
The Teachings of Inner Transformation and Inner Alchemy
The Teachings of Inner Transformation and Inner Alchemy

Nei refers to the internal, and Wai refers to the external. Neidan is known as inner alchemy, and Neigong is known as inner work.

by Sage.blue
Immortality in Daoist and Vedic thought
Immortality in Daoist and Vedic thought

In this piece, we discuss the idea of immortality. We examine the common ground and contemplate the nature of reality, the concept of the self, and the pursuit of higher understanding. We learn about Soma and the Golden Lotus and arrive at a deeper understanding of what true immortality means.

by Sage.blue
Dao De Jing – 79
Dao De Jing – 79

After a bitter quarrel, some resentment must remain.  What can one do about it?

by Sage.blue
The Five Koshas
The Five Koshas

This article guides you through the Five Sheaths that cover our Atman and explains their attributes and insights on how to work with them.

by Sage.blue
Shen — the Mind
Shen — the Mind

The article guides you through the definition of Shen, its role for our Mind and Body, as well as the old Daoist teachings of Bai Xin — the Purification of the Heart-Mind. Along with excerpts of old scriptures, you learn why this inner cultivation is so important in Daoism.

by Sage.blue
The Utilisation of Smaller Camera Sensors
The Utilisation of Smaller Camera Sensors

Find out what you can do with smaller sensors and what theyre really good at.

by Sage.blue
Qi — Life Energy in CCM
Qi — Life Energy in CCM

Learn about the various forms of Qi, the pathology of Qi and the Daoist secrets of Qi cultivation.

by Sage.blue
Dao De Jing – 80
Dao De Jing – 80

A small country has fewer people. Though there are machines that can work ten to a hundred times faster than man, they are not needed.

by Sage.blue
Jing – the Essence in CCM
Jing – the Essence in CCM

A post about Jing, also called the Essence in Chinese Medicine and Daoism. Learn all about it and how to cultivate it.

by Sage.blue
The Essence of Soma
The Essence of Soma

This article teaches all about and around Soma and how to cultivate it.

by Sage.blue
What are Internal Arts?
What are Internal Arts?

All internal arts have a foundation in natural principles. They should make you feel at ease and right. But this doesn't mean that they are easy or that you don't have to work hard.

by Sage.blue
Bagua Circle Walking Neigong
Bagua Circle Walking Neigong

Circle walking is an internal art valued for its approach in promoting health and spiritual connection. It emphasises internal harmony, adaptability, and balance, mirroring nature's ebb and flow.

by Sage.blue
Wudang Baguazhang Tutorial
Wudang Baguazhang Tutorial

Bā Guà Zhǎng is believed to have been developed by 董海川 (Dǒng Hǎi Chuān) in the 清 (Qin) dynasty. During a travel to the southern side of the long river (江南), it is said that he acquired inspiration from Daoist ideas, and subsequently integrated his martial art experiences to construct the palm set.

by Sage.blue
All About Aperture and its Limitations
All About Aperture and its Limitations

Dive deep into the core of photography as we demystify the role of aperture in image capture. With insights into choosing the perfect settings, watch your photos transform and narrate stories more vividly.

by Sage.blue
Comprehensive Guide to the Bagua System
Comprehensive Guide to the Bagua System

Explore the world of Bagua, where eight trigrams symbolise a humble balance of Yin and Yang, each representing a unique facet of existence. Discover their connections to the elemental forces of Wuxing.

by Sage.blue
Chakra and Nadi System
Chakra and Nadi System

Explore the true depths of the Chakra and Nadi systems, unfortunately often misunderstood and simplified. Our detailed guide that uncovers the complexities of these spiritual cornerstones.

by Sage.blue
Salvia - Sage
Salvia - Sage

Experience the world of Traditional European Medicine, spotlighting the venerable herb, Sage.

by Sage.blue
The Eight Immortals
The Eight Immortals

Discover the awe-inspiring tales of the Eight Immortals as they traverse the realms of Daoist mythology. A world filled with wisdom, wonder, and wit.

by Sage.blue
Dao De Jing – 81
Dao De Jing – 81

Sincere words are not fine; fine words are not sincere. Those who are skilled (in the Dao) do not dispute (about it).

by Sage.blue
The Three Dosha - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
The Three Dosha - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha

Experience the core of Ayurvedic wisdom as we present the Tridosha—three dynamic forces shaping our being.

by Sage.blue
What is Qigong?
What is Qigong?

It is important to understand the effects of Qigong on the body and mind. Choosing the right Qigong routines and exercises for you based on your situation or goals is equally significant.

by Sage.blue
Wudang Baduanjin Qigong Tutorial
Wudang Baduanjin Qigong Tutorial

Wudang Baduanjin Qigong is a special form of the classic Eight Pieces of Brocade exercises, adapted to the spiritual and martial traditions of the Wudang Mountains, aiming to harmonize one's energy for better health and spiritual development.

by Sage.blue
Wudang Wuxing Qigong Tutorial
Wudang Wuxing Qigong Tutorial

Learn from the Chinese Mountains the Wudang Wuxing Qigong Routine, the Five Animals Qigong. Precise movements and detailed explanations for each of the animals.

by Sage.blue
Heart-Kidney Axis and the Central Channels
Heart-Kidney Axis and the Central Channels

In classical Chinese Medicine, the complex relationship between the heart and kidney is rooted in the ancient philosophy of Yin and Yang. This philosophy provides insights into the body's harmonious functioning and the maintenance of vital energies.

by Sage.blue
The Golden Ratio - Composition with the Fibonacci Spiral
The Golden Ratio - Composition with the Fibonacci Spiral

Upon conducting an analytical comparison between the Fibonacci Spiral and the Rule of Thirds, it becomes evident that the Fibonacci Spiral uniquely emphasizes the significance of a focal subject in the composition.

by Sage.blue
Wuxing - Understanding the Five Elements
Wuxing - Understanding the Five Elements

This article explores the five phases in detail and discusses their application in body and mind.

by Sage.blue
Zhan Zhuang - Tutorial of a Daoist practise
Zhan Zhuang - Tutorial of a Daoist practise

When practicing Zhan Zhuang, the circulatory system, particularly the heart's vessel system, undergoes significant enhancement. The practice results in the dilation of smaller capillary vessels, thus improving overall blood circulation.

by Sage.blue
Zhan Zhuang - Comprehension of a Daoist practise
Zhan Zhuang - Comprehension of a Daoist practise

Let us move into the entrancing domain of Zhan Zhuang, a practice deeply anchored in the Daoist doctrine. Uniting contrasting elements, Zhan Zhuang orchestrates a harmonious dance between the soft and hard, the empty and full, and the moving and the still.

by Sage.blue
Original French Rhubarb Tart with Almond Cream
Original French Rhubarb Tart with Almond Cream

Referred to as "la reine des prés" (the queen of meadows), rhubarb offers a revitalizing tartness that harmonizes splendidly with the sweetness of a tart. Its lively colour and distinctive taste bestow a delightful touch to any dessert.

by Sage.blue
Woodruff [Galium Odoratum]
Woodruff [Galium Odoratum]

Sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), an intriguing botanical specimen with a rich historical background, boasts an array of remarkable advantages across various domains of human life.

by Sage.blue
Sparkling Vacherin Cake
Sparkling Vacherin Cake

Introducing a unique variation of the classic French vacherins, our Sparkling Mango Vacherin recipe brings a refreshing twist to the table. Instead of the usual ice cream filling, we use a luscious and tangy mango cream infused with sparkling wine.

by Sage.blue
Sicilian Lemon Tart Recipe
Sicilian Lemon Tart Recipe

Look no further than the refreshing lemon tart, a beloved favourite of many dessert enthusiasts. With each bite, you'll experience a delightful balance of sourness and creaminess, leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated.

by Sage.blue
Wuji and Wujitu
Wuji and Wujitu

Within the profound state of nothingness, the foremost consideration revolves around an individual's life purpose, also referred to as the heavenly mandate—a destiny to be fulfilled.

by Sage.blue
Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang

The bright emits qi, and for this reason, fire is the external brilliance of the sun. The obscure sucks in qi, and for this reason, water is the internal luminosity of the moon.

by Sage.blue
Mastering Focal Length
Mastering Focal Length

The chosen focal length alters the camera's viewpoint and determines the overall impression of the scene. Although no focal length is universally superior, some are better suited for specific situations than others.

by Sage.blue
Mitakon Speedmaster 50mm F0.95 Full Frame
Mitakon Speedmaster 50mm F0.95 Full Frame

In this review, we will examine the Speedmaster F0.95 lens, specifically designed for Canon DSLR mount users. This iteration of the lens aims to provide users with a remarkable F0.95 aperture.

by Sage.blue
Dandelion [Taraxacum officinale]
Dandelion [Taraxacum officinale]

In recent years, scientific studies have begun to once again unravel the remarkable therapeutic potential of dandelions, shedding light on their various bioactive compounds and their effects on human health.

by Sage.blue
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