We've compiled this list of answers based on our frequently asked questions to help you navigate and make the most of your experience with Sage Blue.

Website functions

How to Change Your Avatar?

We use Gravatar to provide users with custom avatar images. For detailed instructions, follow our step-by-step guide. Learn more...

What is the Macro for the Search Function?

To quickly start a search, you can press Ctrl + K if you are using a Windows or Linux machine or press ⌘ + K if you are using a Mac or Apple keyboard.

How to Access the Right Click Menu with Touch Control?

To open the right-click menu on a touchscreen device like a tablet or smartphone, tap the screen with two fingers simultaneously. To close the menu, simply tap outside of it with one finger.

How does the Floating Menu on the Left Side Work?

Our floating menu allows for very flexible usage. The menu typically adjusts to the cursor's position to stay close to the user. On touchscreens, you need to tap anywhere that is not a link, and the menu will slowly float to where you tapped. This feature, for instance, enables one-handed navigation on a smartphone.

The menu itself operates as a toggle. Tap on the floating menu to reveal the submenu icons. Tap the main circle (the one with our logo) again to close it.

When a device is in landscape mode (particularly beneficial for certain tablet devices or larger smartphones), the submenu is arranged horizontally instead of vertically. This allows for more intuitive submenu navigation, resembling the functionality of an abacus.

Member related

How to Get Personalized Coaching

First, make sure you have an active Scholar or Founder plan. Then, visit the Discord Community page and scroll down to find the invitation link for Scholar students. Now, you can join our Discord server and scroll down to the forums to locate the coaching channel.

Will I Keep My Founder Plan?

As of the end of June 2024, our founding phase is complete. Those members who continue to support us will not need to choose a new plan. The Founder Plan will remain active as long as the user wishes to support our project. Once cancelled for whatever reason, the Founder Plan cannot be reactivated.

We will forever hold founder members in high regard for their invaluable contribution and loyalty to our project.

How Can I Manage My Incense Subscription?

Our Incense is managed directly by us (Centina and Michael), so the only way to change your shipping is to speak with us. Payments for the subscription are handled directly through your Stripe account, so to cancel, you'll need to log in and manage the subscription directly.

Cannot find what you are looking for?

Feel free to contact us via mail. Send Inquiry...

For casual inquiries or quick assistance, we recommend heading over to our Discord and visiting the helpdesk channel.