Starting with this section before attempting the form training is highly recommended. It will provide you with a solid foundation and ensure you are well-prepared for the training.

Basic Forms
Ji Ben Quan
The first basic routine to strengthen the fundamentals.
Xuan Gong Quan Yi Lu (Part 1)
The journey for the mystic warrior starts with this routine.
Xuan Gong Quan Er Lu (Part 2)
Enhance your internal coordination and endurance.
Xuan Gong Quan San Lu (Part 3)
The beginning of understanding the explosive internal power.

Advanced Forms
Fu Hu Quan
伏虎拳 (Taming the Tiger) is about overcoming strength.
Introduction to Dragon Style
The Daoist interpretation of dragon style.
Long Hua Quan
The dragon is heavenly and the most powerful creature.
Xuan Gong Dao
The mystic way of traditional Daoist sabre combat.
Chung Qiu Da Dao
春秋大刀 Pudao handling and the Wudang Pudao form.
Fang Bian Chan
方便鏟 Shovel handling and the Wudang Shovel form.
Ding Pa
釘耙 Rake handling and the traditional Wudang Rake form.
Zhi Wu Qiang
子午槍 Spear handling and the traditional Wudang Spear form.
Tai Yi Fu Chen
太乙拂塵 Dust Whiskers (Fu Chen) handling and training routine.

Sword Forms
The Way of the Wudang Sword
Explore the understanding of the way of the Wudang sword.
Sword Handling Basics
Discover basic sword-handling techniques to help you get started.
Long Hua Jian
龍華劍 The dragon sword has deep stances with piercing techniques.
Xuan Men Jian
玄門劍 Advanced internal fencing movements with sword.
Ba Xian Jian
八仙劍 Tell the story of the eight immortals with sword.

Ba Gua System

Very advanced Forms
Xing Yi Quan
形意拳 The traditional handform routine of the spear school.
Xuan Zhen Quan
玄真拳 Mastering soft palm movements and internal strength
Ba Ji Quan
八極拳 The ultimate strength in explosive movements.
Xuan Wu Quan
玄武拳 Focus on internal movements and the concepts of Xuanwu.
Tai Yi Wu Xing Quan
太乙五行拳 The extremes of the five elements in fluid motion.
Ba Xian Gun
八仙棍二路 A story of the immortals with the traditional staff.
Tai Ji Quan Kun San
太極乾坤扇 Gracefully play with the Wudang Gongfu fan.