Human Design Analysis

Learning more about Human Design and your potential.

Human Design Analysis

People may seek their Personal Human Design Analysis Chart for various reasons, such as to gain insights into their unique personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses; discover their life purpose and how to achieve it; find the best career path or relationships that align with their design; understanding their energy flow and how to balance it; improving communication skills by learning about others; making better decisions that resonate with their true nature and destiny; and ultimately, finding harmony in life by embracing their unique journey and experiences.

What is Human Design based on?

Human Design is based on a synthesis of ancient spiritual wisdom and modern science. It incorporates astrological data (birth date, time, and location), the ancient Chinese philosophy of the I Ching, Kabbalistic principles (such as the Tree of Life), and the Law of Time (based on a 13:20 frequency). These elements are combined to create a personalized Human Design Chart, or BodyGraph, offering insights into an individual's unique energy makeup, life purpose, relationships, and personal growth.

How does it work?

Based on birth date, time, and location, each person receives a personalized Human Design Chart comprising six energy centres (divided into nine sub-centres) corresponding to 64 I Ching hexagrams. This chart indicates four energy types and 12 profiles, offering insights into personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, life purpose, communication style, and personal growth strategies. Unlike traditional astrology, Human Design focuses on self-discovery and personal transformation rather than predicting future events. Additionally, some proponents draw parallels between Human Design principles and concepts from quantum physics, such as interconnectedness and energy flow balance.

Let's get started

Unlock your unique power and transform your life with our comprehensive Human Design Analysis tool. Discover who you are, clarify your life purpose and career path, enhance relationships through understanding communication styles, and boost well-being by balancing your energy flow. Our professional tool provides a personalized Human Design Chart, a detailed interpretation tailored to your design.

Keep your chart forever! With a one-time payment only. Upon completing payment and submitting your personal information*, you will receive your analysis directly in your mail inbox.

*In the process, your personal information will not be stored or shared.

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