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Sage Blue is a growing archive dedicated to bridging ancient knowledge and techniques with our modern world, ensuring that timeless teachings are accessible to everyone.
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paid 11 min read
Learn about Taiyang, the division of the body representing utmost Yang energy. Our article provides insight on Taiyang's impact on the human body and how water and cold affect the sun-associated channel.
Ziran — Nature Unfolds

Ziran — Nature Unfolds

paid 6 min read
Ziran represents the natural, spontaneous, and authentic state of being, while Tianran embodies nature's unspoiled and unadulterated manifestation.
The Seven Dhatus

The Seven Dhatus

paid 28 min read
The seven dhatus are explained in detail with insights into how to balance them. Understand how all of the dhatus significantly add to your health and why it is important to nurture them.
The Concept of Wuwei

The Concept of Wuwei

paid 8 min read
Individuals can learn to let go of their ego-driven desires and expectations and instead embrace the simplicity and beauty of the present moment. Through Wuwei, one can cultivate a sense of effortless action, ease, and grace and experience a deeper connection with the world around them.
How to Start Your Journey

How to Start Your Journey

public 6 min read
The initial belief of self-cultivation is to improve oneself and raise one's skill level in internal martial arts. The process of self-cultivation is not about improving what you're already good at but addressing your weaknesses head-on.
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Classic Chinese Medicine (CCM) is an internationally recognized healthcare system rooted in Daoist principles. It utilizes diverse modalities, including herbal medicine and internal practice.
Daoism emphasizes harmony with the Dao and nature, fostering reverence and interconnectedness in Chinese culture. It inspires individuals in their pursuit of inner balance and understanding of existence.
These video posts are intended for educational purposes. They were created using Dolby Vision technology, providing stunning 4K resolution with High Dynamic Range.
In the tranquil Wudang Mountains, Wudang Qigong is a Daoist practice with roots as deep as the mountains themselves. It is a centuries-old practice regarded as a treasure of Daoism that unites body, mind, and spirit.
Taiji harmonises the individual through deliberate movements, deep breathing, and focus. It cultivates balance, self-awareness, and inner strength. When practising Taiji, one ideally follows nature.
The Six Divisions
The Six Divisions
This framework is fundamental to understanding the flow of qi and its influence on health and disease, as well as segmenting the body and energy into six broader regions.
The Five Shen
The Five Shen
In Chinese medicine, the Five Shen represent different aspects of the human spirit and consciousness. The balance of these Shen is contributing to mental clarity, emotional stability, and a sense of purpose.
In today's world, photography has gained significant prominence and visibility as a powerful medium of expression and documentation, transcending boundaries and fostering connections.
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