5 posts


Gongfu, or Kung Fu, is a holistic Chinese martial art that unites power, grace, and profound philosophy, guiding practitioners to achieve physical mastery and inner serenity.

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The Dragon Sword Tutorial - Long Hua Jian
The Dragon Sword Tutorial - Long Hua Jian

The Dragon Sword routine stands out due to its simple yet efficient movements, which complement the dedicated efforts of a Gong fu practitioner.

by Sage.blue
The Art of Dragon Gongfu
The Art of Dragon Gongfu

This article explores the Daoist perspective on the experience and views related to the Dragon Style.

by Sage.blue
Wudang Sword Handling Basics
Wudang Sword Handling Basics

Hold the sword with respect and intention. Feel its weight and balance, and let it shape your movements. Through practice, one will develop strength, agility, and precision.

by Sage.blue
Daoist Gong Fu Basic Fist Tutorial
Daoist Gong Fu Basic Fist Tutorial

The Gong Fu Basic Fist, also known as Jīběnquán (基本拳), is the fundamental form of internal Daoist martial arts. This set of techniques includes all the essential positions and transitions to promote internal movement and relaxation.

by Sage.blue
Wudang Baguazhang Tutorial
Wudang Baguazhang Tutorial

Bā Guà Zhǎng is believed to have been developed by 董海川 (Dǒng Hǎi Chuān) in the 清 (Qin) dynasty. During a travel to the southern side of the long river (江南), it is said that he acquired inspiration from Daoist ideas, and subsequently integrated his martial art experiences to construct the palm set.

by Sage.blue
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