Taiji Basics: Brushing Over the Knee

Brushing Over the Knee – 搂膝 (Lǒu Xī) is often seen in Taijiquan; it is about the efficiency of our physical structure and energy transmission.

Taiji Basics: Brushing Over the Knee

Brushing Over the Knee has numerous focus points, such as economical movement, smooth weight transfer, enhanced rooting and stability, internal energy awareness cultivation, practical defensive applications, and embodying continuous flow. Mastery of this technique significantly contributes to developing skill, artistry, and personal growth within the art form.

The Purpose of Brushing Over the Knee

The primary purpose of the movement in Taijiquan is to facilitate a smooth and efficient transfer of weight from one leg to another while maintaining stability and balance. This technique encourages practitioners to develop proper alignment, economy of motion, and awareness of internal energy flow, thereby cultivating grace, agility, and rootedness in their practice. Additionally, Brushing Over the Knee offers practical applications for evading, countering, and redirecting force in self-defence scenarios.

How to Practice

Begin by standing naturally with your feet hip-width apart. Transfer your weight onto one leg, ensuring a strong root and proper alignment. Maintain a gentle bend in both knees throughout the movement. Focus on transferring your weight evenly and smoothly from the starting leg to the ending position, ensuring you are balanced and stable throughout. Repeat the exercise, gradually decreasing speed while maintaining control and fluidity. Visualise energy flowing through your limbs to enhance practice as you perform the technique.

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