Taiji Basics: Double-Hand Push

The Double-Hand Push – 双手推 (Shuāng Shǒu Tuī) consists of minimal movements; it requires inner calmness and precision. The concept is about generating power with minimal force.

Taiji Basics: Double-Hand Push

The Double-Hand Push, is a fundamental exercise found within the ancient Taijiquan form known as the 13 Steps. Performed in a standing position with minimal movement, this technique involves both hands simultaneously pushing outward from the chest at roughly shoulder height, palms facing forward. As you push, gently rotate your hips in the same direction to generate power and enhance stability. Maintain continuous, relaxed breath throughout the motion, coordinating inhale with drawing hands back towards the body and exhale with extending them forward.

The Purpose of Single-Hand Push

The Double-Hand Push serves to cultivate postural alignment, rooting, coordination, Qi cultivation, and mindfulness by encouraging practitioners to maintain a straight spine, engage the Dantian, synchronise upper and lower limbs, regulate breath, and focus on gentle hip rotation during simultaneous arm extension.

How to Practice

To practice the Double-Hand Push effectively, start with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and spine upright. Raise both hands chest-high, palms facing forward. Inhale as you draw hands back towards your body while gently rotating your hips. Exhale as you simultaneously push hands forward, extending arms fully at shoulder height, and rotate hips counterclockwise.

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