The Way of the Wudang Sword

The Wudang sword, a symbol of grace and power, demands a unique mindset for its practice—one that blends focus, fluidity, and inner peace.

The Way of the Wudang Sword

The Wudang sword embodies the path of the noble being, representing pure character and clear determination. Similar to practising good etiquette or maintaining a pleasant tone in conversation, the Wudang sword technique emphasises the importance of cultivating good spirit and personality for combat.

The Will of the Sword

A gentle breeze, a flash of light, one swift stroke of the blade, and a path through the mountains.

Imagine trees standing strong in the storm, the branches swaying and their roots firmly grounded in the earth. The path through the air, known as the direct route, may not be the shortest or the easiest, but it leads to survival, respect, and dignity. By evading opponents' attacks and striking first, the goal becomes as clear as a tranquil lake.

The cultivation process is similar to a settling bottle. Over time, the particles gradually sink and eventually come to rest at the bottom. As the water clears, so does the wielder's vision. One can truly connect with the ancient spirit in the quietness of the void. Whether it emerges suddenly like a big bang or has always existed, it becomes the manifestation of the wielder's will.

To walk the path of the sword is to remain mindful of one's surroundings. Whether the blade serves as a means of protection or harm, the wielder must comprehend its limitations and his own. No disparity exists, whether standing atop a mountain or in the heart of a battlefield. The master grasps the surroundings, as the profound connection between the individual and the sword leads to inner balance.

The Beginning

The young sprout eagerly raises its head while the spiritual wanderer gazes either at the earth or up to the heavens.

The sword's path to mastery is clear and straightforward, and focusing on too many directions at once may be counterproductive. Students who struggle to follow clear directions may find the path of the sword challenging, as it is meant to shape their personality and integrity, requiring strong determination and focus.

Developing strong sword skills begins with having a steady and enduring lower body. Each step is just as important as each sword attack. The hip muscles are essential for maintaining a calm and stable lower stance. Executing counters or wide-ranging attacks involving large steps requires robust, stable hips and flexible ankles.

There is a saying among fellow sword masters: The character of one's sword is reflected in their steps and how their steps coordinate with the body to guide the sword. As the body becomes whole, so does the will of the sword.

Secondly, when the body is appropriately developed for the movements, students have to work and live with the sword every day. The hands might get blisters, and joints might get tired until the sword becomes a natural and seamless extension of the body.

The Cultivation of the Spirit

By refining copper into silver and then silver into gold, the alchemy of the spirit involves breaking down the barriers of the mind, ultimately leading to the transformation to the supreme.

The downfall of those who are indecisive and hesitant looms ahead. Individual perspectives may hold little weight when not viewed through the eyes of the sword. What does this decisive perspective entail? The tip of the blade, being the highest point, is where the critical juncture lies for the wielder. With the destination never in question, the path reveals itself before the master of the sword.

Understand that the ease or difficulty of the path should not be judged; rather, its purpose should be comprehended. It is the fear of being unable to protect, defend, or take action, or of doing nothing, that holds back the spirit.

Decisions are always definitive and sincere, unfolding organically and guided by personality, wisdom, and virtue rather than intelligence. While the mind is constantly troubled and grappling with the challenges of existence and the effort to overcome weaknesses, it is the way of the master to follow his heart.

Just like animals need to roam through an open field unprotected, flowers bloom and eventually wither. As time passes, seasons change, and the open field transforms. Determination is always subject to conditions.

The Sword Technique

How to transcend in the way of the sword is a matter of virtue and growth.

The skills and style of wielding a sword are influenced by the sword style's family spirit. Just as certain plants thrive strong in harsh environments or rare and exotic plants require specific and delicate cultivation conditions to eventually grow, the sword's style is shaped by the expertise of its wielder and weight from the carried family spirit.

The sword is passed down spiritually from master to student, so the master's spiritual state holds great significance, and the student is responsible for upholding his integrity.

When a soldier wields a sword aimlessly, solely to kill without any deeper purpose or guidance, he becomes very similar to an animal fighting for survival or personal enjoyment. The way of wielding a sword, or in other words the sword technique, carries significant importance in differentiating between human civilisation and animal instinct.

The master of the sword respects those who have taught him and those who have preceded him, for he is living proof of the ever-changing and evolving nature of the sword. Both his body and mind adapt to his will.

The Development

How the sword-style is more than just a structured way of figthing.

The sword fighting style reflects what has proven effective. Adapting the style to suit the individual's abilities will strengthen the connection between the wielder and the sword. The issue arises when real-world comprehension is limited by a lack of experience. This leads to abstraction, turning the problem into more of a fantasy than a practical reality.

Controlled tournaments and life-or-death fights on the battlefield are widely different in what the wielder may bring forth after his years of experience. Is the sword meant to protect lives or pursue a career as a professional fencer? Hence, the sword style and the family spirit are very important for guiding the students toward their goals.

Our Wudang sword style is designed to help practitioners achieve immortality. The demanding training and continuous challenges aim to develop not only the beauty of the swordplay but also materialise what appears like superhuman strength, flexibility, deep stances, and advanced light-body skills.

Explore Immortality in Daoist and Vedic thought.
In this piece, we discuss the idea of immortality. We examine the common ground and contemplate the nature of reality, the concept of the self, and the pursuit of higher understanding. We learn about Soma and the Golden Lotus and arrive at a deeper understanding of what true immortality means.
Nature provides guidance to humans, while the way of the sword is shaped by humans. Nevertheless, mastering sword fighting should feel as natural to us as breathing.
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